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The history of the municipality of Montijo is closely linked to the River Tagus. The favorable natural conditions are thought to have been at the origin of human presence since the Paleolithic period. In times gone by, its inhabitants were dedicated to fishing, salt pans and wine production. The supply of wine, salt, fruit and firewood was the origin of the intense movement of boats and barges on the river. Its agricultural and industrial economy, combined with its geographical location, made it an important trading post.
Today, the municipality has a vast and diverse religious and built heritage, which is a living record of local memory and identity.
The Atalaia Agricultural Museum and the Wind and Tide Mills are places of learning and knowledge. History and art are also present in the "Portas da Cidade" and the "Tágide" (in Praça da República).
To get to know Montijo is also to stroll along the riverfront and in the municipal park, and to get to know the Colonato de Pegões.

Updated on 4/09/2023
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